Intellectual Disability Services
Nua Healthcare Services operates designated centres across Ireland for children and adults with mild, moderate, severe/profound, and often co-morbid diagnoses and presentations, such as autism, personality disorder, acquired brain injury, associated mental health and challenging behaviours. Each centre is registered with the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) and delivers services specific to its centre’s statement of purpose.
Individuals are supported in a variety of community-based residences offering a mix of shared and private accommodation. They also have access to one of Ireland’s most responsive and forward-thinking multidisciplinary teams.
Our designated centres provide care and support in a long-stay residential settings for individuals with a diagnosis or comorbidity of:
• Intellectual Disability
• Autism Spectrum Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
• Acquired Brain Injury
• Chromosomal Disorders
• Associated Mental Health and Challenging Behaviours

Mental Health Services
Nua Healthcare Services operates an approved centre and mental health community residences across Ireland for individuals with a variety of mental health-related needs. Services are overseen by our Clinical Directors, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Directors of Nursing, Mental Health Nurses, and Healthcare Assistants, and they are augmented by our national multidisciplinary team, and as appropriate, specialist allied health professionals.
Since opening our first approved centre, we have established a dedicated mental health care pathway for supporting individuals over 18 with a range of mental health-related needs. Nua’s mental health care pathway offers a continuum of care along a “whole system” rehabilitative pathway in line with the HSE’s best practice model of care for mental health services.
Nua’s mental health services vary, but can be broadly categorised as follows:
Co-morbid complex mental health care needs and intellectual disabilities. (Acute, Sub-Acute, Rehabilitation, Long-Stay).
Forensic rehabilitation and recovery
Old Age Psychiatry
Pervasive Developmental Disorders e.g., Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Acquired Brain Injuries
Supported Living Services
Nua’s supported living service provides round-the-clock care and support services nationwide to individuals with intellectual disabilities, mental health conditions, or any comorbidity. The team are supported by our extensive and highly respected national multidisciplinary team.
Our services are flexible and responsive to individuals and their family members when they are most needed.
Nua’s supported living services team work tirelessly to create bespoke services to meet each individual’s immediate and longer-term needs. Services include General Homecare, Respite, Supported Holidays, Rapid Response, Outreach, and Personal Assistant Services.
Services range from once-off respite and supported holidays to a couple of hours of care and support a week, to 24/7 care and support within the family home. The individuals we support typically present with one or more of the following diagnoses or conditions:
• Intellectual Disability
• Autism Spectrum Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
• Acquired Brain Injury
• Mental Health Conditions