Towards the end of last year, Nua Healthcare Services participated in a special national event, ‘A Pathway to Human Rights and Recovery,’ hosted by the Mental Health Commission in support of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations (UN) agenda on a human rights-based approach to Irish mental health care. The event, held at the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin on December 6th, 2023, featured addresses by representatives from the WHO.
Nua Healthcare Services CEO - Noel Dunne and COO of Nua's Mental Health Services - Danika McCartney, joined key stakeholders from public services, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector to pledge support for the WHO's human rights training for all individuals involved in or impacted by mental health recovery. This global initiative, known as the ‘QualityRights Initiative,’ aims to bolster Ireland’s mental health framework and uphold the rights of those experiencing mental health difficulties on their path to recovery. Both Noel and Danika are pictured below at the event with John Farrelly, CEO of the Mental Health Commission.
The event had a dual purpose: first, to inform attendees representing various mental health services across Ireland about the newly available WHO Quality Rights training, which is accessible online, and second, to secure pledges from organisational representatives to promote the training among their teams.
Nua Healthcare Services wholeheartedly supports the initiative and has pledged to promote the Quality Rights training delivered by the WHO. In line with our commitment to high standards of service delivery and outcomes, Nua Healthcare has decided to make this invaluable training mandatory across its entire workforce, emphasising awareness and the significance of understanding human rights and recovery in mental health care services.

The rollout plan for the WHO Quality Rights training is systematic. Senior and Regional Management will undergo training in the first quarter of this year, followed by the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) in the second quarter. The community mental health residence staff teams will engage with the training in the third and fourth quarters, with a service-wide rollout expected to commence in the first quarter of 2025. The comprehensive training comprises six modules and takes just over 3.5 hours to complete, covering essential areas such as addressing stigma, discrimination, abuse, and coercion in mental health services and advocating for a person-centred, rights-based recovery approach.
Designed to cater to diverse groups, including decision-makers in mental health care, service providers, and individuals seeking or receiving mental health support, the WHO Quality Rights training marks a significant step towards fostering a culture of respect and empowerment within Nua Healthcare and beyond. For additional details, please visit here.