Our Quality & Safety Culture
An independent assessment of the safety culture within Nua Healthcare Services in November 2021 concluded that:
“Nua was assessed as having a range of strengths [….] with the overall level of risk associated with Nua’s operations as ‘Low’, with a corresponding safety culture which, although currently assessed as being at the top end of ‘Proactive’, is on the cusp of becoming ‘Generative’.”
“Nua personnel were readily able to demonstrate and discuss how they manage risks at all stages and across all areas of their business. Importantly, they demonstrated how the risks to Service Users and Residents are carefully balanced with the risks to Nua personnel.”
Furthermore, the assessment found that:
There was a strong approach to quality and safety within Nua Healthcare Services, “with a capacity to establish an overall generative culture” across the organisation. Note: ‘Generative’ culture is the highest level of culture maturity an organisation can have based on assessment.
Leaders and Managers demonstrate “a thorough understanding of the specific risks” faced by the organisation “and an embedded knowledge of the integrated, comprehensive, and robust controls required to manage and mitigate the risks.”
Team members at all levels throughout the organisation “work well individually and collectively, demonstrating a high degree of mutual trust and a willingness to engage in opportunities to improve.”
The Board of Directors, the Executive and Senior Management Team members are "fully engaged with Quality and Safety matters”.

Leadership, Governance and Management
We believe that robust governance structures and processes, underpinned by knowledge and communication at Nua Healthcare Services foster good outcomes.
Notwithstanding legislative and best practice business process requirements, Nua’s approach to Leadership, Governance, and Management has always been of simplistic process design and good two-way communication throughout the organisational structure.
Our policies and standardised ways of working facilitate the effective collection, analysis, and communication of Quality, Safety, Operational and Clinical KPIs from team member to team member, at predetermined daily, weekly, and monthly intervals.
Our teams are clear on 'What', 'Why', and 'When' they do each job-specific task, and each team member is supported through an empowered line management structure that utilises a 'Plan', 'Do', 'Check' Act' approach towards problem-solving. Thereafter, communicate any serious matters through the appropriate forums right up to Board of Director level.