Mission, Vision, Values
Our mission is to provide person-centred care, to support individuals to pursue a meaningful and fulfilling life and to be happy and contributing members of their communities.
Our vision is to expand our whole system rehabilitative care pathways for general and specialist disability and mental health services in local communities across Ireland.

Dignity and Respect:
We embrace and value the uniqueness of every individual using our services.
We support every individual to hold and build upon their hopes, to collaborate with others and manage their challenges so that their life gets better.
Connectedness and Identity:
We collaborate with each individual and their support network to build relationships and meaningful engagement. We support individuals to build positively upon their sense of identity, to look beyond diagnosis and perceived disabilities and to focus instead on their unique abilities.
Quality and Safety:
We are committed to providing high quality, safe services for the individuals who use them and the team members who work within them.
We recognise our team members and individuals have different ideas, strengths, interests, and cultural backgrounds that enrich our service.