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Assessment and Diagnostics

Nua provides access to a broad range of highly qualified clinical professionals across Intellectual Disability Services, Mental Health Services and Supported Living Services in the following areas:

  • Psychiatry

  • Clinical Psychology

  • Behaviour Support

  • Forensic Psychology

  • Counselling

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

  • Dialectic Behavioural Therapy

  • Clinical Dietetics

  • Nursing

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Play Therapy

  • Art & Music Therapy

  • Physiotherapy

  • Psychotherapy

  • Sensory Integration Therapy

  • Speech and Language Therapy

Residential Assessments

A residential assessment is conducted over a 12-week period in any one of our residential homes. The referring agent can select from a menu of clinical assessments. The assessment report also includes a social care report based on the observations of the team during residency and provides recommendation(s) with regard to ongoing / future care programmes based on findings.

Diagnostic Assessment

Diagnostic assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders:

  • Intellectual functioning assessments: Cognitive Assessments [SB5, TONI 4, WISC-V, WAIS-IV] and Adaptive Functioning Assessment (Vineland 3)

  • Autism Assessment [Screening and Full Diagnostic Assessment – ADI-r, ADOS-2]

  • ADHD Assessment [Conners 3 and Adult ADHD Rating Scale]

  • Neuropsychological assessment (RBANS, BRIEF, D-KEFS, RAVLT):

    • Understand the relationship between the brain and cognitive/behavioural functioning.

    • Ascertain the impact of the specific brain injury and identify the areas impacted, e.g., verbal or visual memory, language, attention, planning, problem-solving, impulsivity, etc.

    • Screen for suspected dementia – baseline and repeat assessments.

Differential Diagnostic Assessment - our team specialises in performing assessments for complex differential diagnoses (ASD, ADHD, developmental trauma, attachment difficulties & personality disorder)


Mental Health Diagnostic Assessments clarify complex presentations, explore diagnostic overshadowing and track symptoms presentation to support with the development of guidance, such as relapse prevention plans, as well as consider relevant comorbidities in case planning. Frequent mental health assessments explore conditions such as psychosis/schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders) in close consultation with Psychiatry.

Nua Healthcare Services offers swift access to its highly qualified multidisciplinary team members for both assessment and diagnostic purposes in a broad range of disciplines. 

Neuropsychological Assessments - our team specialises in performing assessments to support with the understanding of the relationship between the brain and cognitive/behavioural functioning and to ascertain the impact of the specific brain injury and identify the areas impacted, e.g., verbal or visual memory, language, attention, planning, problem-solving, impulsivity, etc.

Psychological Assessments to include:

  • Cognitive / Development Assessments [SB5, TONI 4, GMDS-ER]

  • Adaptive Functioning Assessment [Vineland ii]

  • ADHD Assessment [Conners 3 and Adult ADHD Rating Scale]

  • Autism Assessment [Screening and Full Diagnostic]

  • Depression and Anxiety

  • Behavioural Assessments 

Arranging an Assessment:

A request for an assessment can be initiated through various channels:

  • If the need for an assessment is identified on the admission document.

  • Through a referral by another clinician.

  • By submitting a request through our website.

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